Simple Maintenance Tasks to Practice in the New Year

If you want to keep plumbing problems to a minimum in the new year, then it’s important that you know what plumbing maintenance tasks to practice. There are a few tasks that you should practice in the new year if you want to keep your plumbing system running smoothly. These plumbing tasks are simple and easy to do- all it takes is some time, dedication, and attention. If you don’t take care of these plumbing tasks on the regular, then there’s a good chance that plumbing problems will start popping up more often than they need to be. In this blog post, we will discuss four plumbing tasks that every homeowner needs to know!

Routine Plumbing Maintenance Tasks to Perform

Don’t Ignore Little Problems

One of the most important plumbing maintenance tasks that you can do is to not ignore little problems as they arise. If you notice the first sign of a clog, there are a number of chemical drain cleaners you can find at your local grocery or hardware store that may be able to remove the clog. In many cases, this will resolve the issue without needing to call a plumber. If you see a small leak or clog anywhere in your home, or if your water pressure seems to be low, then don’t just brush it off! These are signs that there might be something wrong with your plumbing system. By catching these small problems early on, you can save yourself from bigger costly repairs. Of course, if you can’t resolve the issue on your own, contact a licensed plumber who can help.

Pipe Insulation

Another preventative maintenance task that you should consider is pipe insulation. In the wintertime, your home is susceptible to frozen pipes because of the extreme temperatures outside. If a pipe freezes and cracks or bursts it can cause massive damage throughout your plumbing system- from simple plumbing leaks all the way to flooding your home! Insulation will help keep those cold air temps away from your plumbing by slowing down heat loss in any exposed pipes.

Treat Your Garbage Disposal More Kindly

It’s easy to take our garbage disposals for granted. One plumbing task that you can do in the new year is to start treating your garbage disposal a bit more kindly. This means not putting things down the drain that it aren’t meant to be there, such as grease or fat. These substances will gunk up your pipes and eventually cause your garbage disposal to break down. So be kind to your disposal in the new year by avoiding these items, and you’ll likely avoid any expensive repair bills as well!

Another tip? Drain and flush your garbage disposal every month. Doing this will make sure gunk doesn’t build up on the blades which can lead to clogs or leaks in pipes near them.

Give Your Water Heater the Attention It Deserves

Like your plumbing, you should also give your water heater some attention in the new year. This means taking steps to extend its life and get more use out of it before having to replace it. One maintenance task that will help is draining a gallon or two from the bottom drain every month- this can make all the difference when compared with letting sediment build up in there!

Schedule a Professional Plumbing Inspection

A plumbing inspection will help identify any potential problems with your plumbing system and address them before they turn into bigger (and more expensive) repairs. By catching small problems early on, you can save yourself time, money, and hassle down the road. So if you haven’t scheduled an inspection for your plumbing system yet, then make it one of your New Year’s resolutions!

Stop Treating Your Toilet Like a Trash Can

This means no flushing away things that shouldn’t go down the drain, such as feminine hygiene products or wipes (even if they’re labeled “flushable”). This helps keep clogs from forming. If it isn’t human waste or toilet paper, throw it in the garbage can.

Pump Your Septic Tank Regularly

Your septic system relies on regular pumping to keep it working properly. If you don’t get your tank pumped regularly, then gunk can build up in the septic line- eventually causing problems that are more expensive than just having a professional pump out your system! Your septic system should be pumped every three to five years, depending on how often it’s used. So if it’s been a while since your last pump out, make it one of your plumbing maintenance tasks for the new year!

Think Outdoors

Outdoor faucets, spigots, garden hoses, and sprinklers are often overlooked plumbing fixtures. However, they are important to your plumbing system because these items can contribute to leaks too! So give them some attention this year by checking the water flow of each item (and tightening any loose connections). Also, make sure all hoses aren’t cracked or deteriorating so you don’t have a problem with winter damage come springtime.

Insulate Your Hot Water Heater

After the water is heated in your hot water heater, insulated plumbing pipes help keep that heat inside for a longer period of time. This can make your hot water supply last longer and lower your heating costs- definitely plumbing tasks worth doing!

Why Worry About Plumbing System Maintenance?

It’s important to practice plumbing tasks in the new year to prevent a plumbing emergency down the line! With that said, it doesn’t take much effort on your part to maintain a plumbing system- and doing so is likely cheaper than repairing any of these problems.

Perform Regular Plumbing Maintenance

Keeping your home’s plumbing system happy by performing routine maintenance is a great way to prevent major plumbing issues down the road. If you’re unsure about how to fix a plumbing problem, then don’t try to fix it yourself! Call the plumbing professionals at Bodenheimer Plumbing. As plumbing professionals, we can help resolve any plumbing issue you may encounter in your home. From slow drains and clogged drains to issues with your sump pump or low water pressure, we can help keep your plumbing system working for you in the next year and beyond. Contact us today for all your residential and commercial plumbing needs.

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