
Application Form

Bodenheimer Plumbing Services, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Bodenheimer Plumbing does not discriminate in employment with regard to race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, age, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, military status or unfavorable discharge from military service or any other characteristic protected by law.

    Date of Birth:

    [checkbox online-application wothis online application, I am Authorizing Bodenheimer Plumbing Services, Inc. to obtain this information"]

    Personal Information

    Position Applying for:

    Have you ever applied with us before?


    Date available to start:

    Have you ever served in the military?


    Service Branch:

    Can you lift a minimum of 70 lbs?



    Are you planning to pursue further studies? YesNo

    If so, when and what courses?

    Please list your Strength and Weaknesses:

    Employment History

    List names of employers in consecutive order with current or last employer listed first.

    Name of Employer:

    Date Employed: (mm/yy)


    Reason for leaving:


    Name of Employer

    Date Employed: (mm/yy)


    Reason for leaving:


    Name of Employer

    Date Employed: (mm/yy)


    Reason for leaving:


    Use the space below to describe why you are interested in working for us. List the skills and abilities which you feel particularly qualify you for a position with us.


    I certify that the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and statements are true and correct without any intentional omissions of consequence of any kind whatsoever. I understand that any misleading or incorrect statements may render this application void, and, if employed, would be cause for my termination. I further agree that you shall not be liable in any respect if my employment is terminated because of falsity of statements, answers or omissions made by me in this questionnaire. I also authorize the companies, schools or persons named above to give any information regarding my employment, character and qualifications and hereby release said companies, schools or persons from all liability for any damage for issuing this information. I certify that all statements and answers to questions about my abilities are true and were made without reservations. Further I agree to expressly waive all provisions of law prohibiting any physician, person, hospital and other institution from disclosing to us any information regarding treatment rendered now and in the future. I further understand that the taking of a drug test and physical are a condition of employment and refusal to take such tests when requested will subject me to termination. I also understand that no person is authorized to enter into any written or verbal employment contract on behalf of us without the express written consent of the President. I understand my employment is at will. I further understand that I will be given an "Employee Handbook" outlining our rules and regulations.